Followers of Jesus realize that spiritual growth is a process…and it doesn’t happen automatically. Growth Track is designed to kick start your spiritual growth by providing clear and simple on ramps that will help you connect to everything God has for your life

Growth Track Steps

Growth Tack 101:  Membership
Growth Track 101 is a basic introduction to our church family.  Since we have people from many different church backgrounds, this event is designed to clearly explain who we are and what we believe, as well as answer questions about our unique mission and vision.  At the conclusion of this event you will have an opportunity to become a member of our church.

Growth Track 201:  Essentials
The purpose of Growth Track 201 is provide you with the tools necessary to help each believer become a spiritually mature disciple of Jesus Christ.  You’ll learn principals and tips that will help you grow and develop as a Christian.  

Growth Track 301:  Discovery
Each of us is a masterpiece placed on this earth for a unique purpose that is solely ours to fulfill.  In this class you will learn more about your particular personality and gift mix through a series of assessments.

Growth Track 401:  Dream Team
God created you with gift to fulfill an important need in the local church, and to make an eternal difference in the lives of people.  At this event we will provide you with the tool necessary to serves our church and community.